Ignoring Goethe's Faust: A Critical-Theoretical Perspective on American Ideology
The neglect of Goethe, his work in general, and Faust in particular, in English-speaking countries, is notorious. While Shakespeare's plays have been prominent and widely performed in German-speaking countries, the same is not true for Goethe in the English-speaking world. Â Focusing non-exclusively on Faust, and cutting a link to Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus, I will endeavor to delineate problematic aspects of American ideology, and what it would take, within U.S. sociology, to be cognizant of the latter. Georg Lukacs wrote about Goethe and Faust, and so did Theodor W. Adorno and Leo Loewenthal, highlighting its importance to critical theory. The goal is to delineate a critical theory of American ideology that cannot be developed from a perspective from within the US alone, and of the role Shakespeare's work has been playing in normalizing the prevalence and workings key aspects of this ideology.
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Anonymous (2011; Columbia Pictures); dir. Roland Emmerich (U.K.)
Fantasia (1940; Disney); dir. Samuel Armstrong. (U.S.)
Faust (1994; Athanor); dir. Jan Swankmaier. (Czech Republic)
Faust (2007; Belvedere), dir. Peter Stein. (Germany)
Faust (2008; Classics in Miniature); dir. Hoku Uchiyama (U.S.)
Faust (2011; Proline Film); dir. Aleksandr Sokurov (Russia)
Macbeth (1971; Columbia Pictures); dir. Roman Polanski. (U.S., U.K.)
Ran (1985; Greenwich Film Productions); dir. Akira Kurosawa. (Japan)
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