Neoliberalism, NAFTA, and Dehumanization: The case of femicides in Ciudad Juárez

  • Denisa Krasna Masaryk University
  • Sagar Deva University of Leeds
Keywords: Neoliberalism, NAFTA, Femicides, Gender Violence, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico


The overarching focus of this paper is on the way in which the neoliberalism inherent in the international institutional order produces dehumanisation in the third world and the way in which this dehumanisation manifests itself in direct loss of human life through exploitation and even murder. This paper is split into two main parts, the first of which gives a theoretical and general overview of how neoliberalism has both dominated and dehumanised the international institutional order and the second part of the paper gives a more in-depth case study of this phenomena, focusing on how NAFTA has engendered femicides in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.


Author Biographies

Denisa Krasna, Masaryk University

Denisa Krásná is a doctoral student of North-American Cultural Studies and Literatures in English at Masaryk University with a special interest in Indigenous issues and literatures. In her research, she focuses primarily on decolonization, colonial gender violence, environmental racism, animal studies, and exploitation of Native lands and the environment in general. In her doctoral dissertation, she explores the emerging framework of anarcha-Indigenism—an intersection between Indigeneity, anarchism, environmentalism, Indigenous feminism and other liberation movements—with special emphasis on decolonial animal ethic. Her case studies include Indigenous environmental and sovereignty movements in southern Mexico, Canada, and Hawaii. While she studies and writes primarily in English, she has also written and translated in Spanish, Czech and French. In both her work and personal life, she is committed to pursuing environmental and social justice as well as animal liberation.

Sagar Deva, University of Leeds

Dr. Sagar Deva is a University Tutor at the University of Leeds. He holds a Doctorate in International Law from the University of Sheffield on the topic of global constitutionalism and global pluralism. His research interests center around the actions and influence of international organizations in the international system and the legitimacy of international legal and political institutions as well as around constitutionalism and global constitutionalism more generally. Holding master's degrees in both political science and international law, his research seeks to bridge interdisciplinary gaps in the social sciences around the study of institutions, power, legitimacy and constitutionalism with a view to the creation of a more cosmopolitan and just system of global governance.


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