The Art of the Deal, The Arts of Democracy: Trump, Dewey, and Democracy
Donald Trump's politics has been variously described as "neoliberal," "nationalist," "authoritarian," "populist," and even "fascist," and all these descriptors are appropriate in some respects. In this article, I explore the linkages between Trump, neoliberalism, and fascism through what may seem an unlikely aspect of his politics, that is, his artistry as a candidate and now the president. In elevating deal-making to an art form, Trump is not unique. Fascist leaders have long fancied themselves as artists and regarded politics as an art form. I argue that Trump's "art of the deal" materializes and normalizes the aesthetics of neoliberal capitalism; it mirrors the superficial chaos and structural inequalities of the global neoliberalism. To illustrate my argument, I consider how Trump deals in buildings, crowds, and walls. I conclude that Trump's presidency raises the question whether Deweyan arts of democracy can still triumph over the art of the deal.
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