A capitalist stranglehold on “artificial intelligence”: a gallop through piracy, privacy invasion, lock-in and a fever dream of democratisation
In this paper, I discuss the emergence of personal computing, the rise of platform-controlled smartphones and tablets, and the recent surge in artificial intelligence technologies. I explore how these technological advancements have often been shaped by the interests of capital, with recent trends towards increased platform lock-in, control, and exploitation of users (workers). I argue that without a strong push for open-source, democratised AI, these technologies risk being used to further the globalised colonial capitalist project. I highlight the potential for open-source hardware and software to counter the proprietary and un-hackable future of AI, offering a radical alternative that empowers users and advances human, ecological and labour rights alongside of technology tools. Ultimately, I call for greater attention to the social, economic and environmental implications of computing and AI technologies under capitalism.
Copyright (c) 2024 Aidan Cornelius-Bell

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